Create FOMO: Building Anticipation With a Coming Soon Website

published on 03 August 2023

As an entrepreneur, you know the power of building anticipation. A “coming soon” landing page is a simple yet effective way to generate interest in your new product or service before the official launch. By creating a sense of scarcity and exclusivity, you tap into the fear of missing out (FOMO) and motivate people to sign up to be the first to gain access.

A coming soon page is easy to set up but needs to be visually compelling to capture attention and convey the essence of your offering. With the right design and copy, it builds excitement and collects email addresses of potential customers eager to be part of the action. Once your product or service is ready to launch, you'll have an engaged audience ready to buy. For any startup, gaining traction and building buzz ahead of time can make or break your success. A coming soon page is a proven marketing tactic that fuels anticipation and drives early momentum for your business.

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Why You Need a Coming Soon Page

A coming soon page is a simple landing page for a new product or service that is still in development. It helps build anticipation and capture interest from potential customers before your official launch.

As an entrepreneur, a coming soon page should be an important part of your pre-launch marketing strategy. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Generate buzz. A coming soon page creates a sense of mystery and exclusivity that intrigues visitors. This buzz can spread through social media and word-of-mouth, building valuable momentum for your launch.
  • Build your email list. A coming soon page gives visitors a chance to sign up to receive updates about your launch. Growing an email list of interested subscribers is key to having a successful product launch. Offer an incentive like a discount or free trial to encourage sign-ups.
  • Get valuable feedback. You can include a short survey on your coming soon page to get input from visitors about your new product or service. Their feedback will help ensure you develop something people want and need.
  • Establish your online presence. A coming soon page helps establish your brand on the web, even before you have a full website. It's an opportunity to share your company name, logo, and messaging to start creating a professional image.
  • Drive hype on social media. Promote your coming soon page on social platforms to spread the word about your upcoming launch. Post updates, share photos and videos, and engage with followers to keep them excited about your new product release.

A coming soon page is a simple but powerful marketing tool for any new business. With some time and effort promoting your page, it can help you gain valuable exposure, build buzz, and ensure a successful launch of your new product or service.

Building Anticipation With a Coming Soon Website With Unicorn Platform

A “coming soon” website is a simple yet powerful marketing tool to build anticipation for your new product or service launch. By creating hype before your official release, you can generate interest, capture email signups, and ensure a successful launch.

Using a website builder like Unicorn Platform, you can easily create an eye-catching coming soon page in minutes. Their drag and drop editor makes it simple to choose a stylish template and customize it to match your brand. You’ll want to include:

  • An email signup form: The primary goal of a coming soon page is to capture email addresses of interested visitors. Offer an incentive like early access or a discount to encourage signups.
  • A countdown timer: Adding a countdown clock builds urgency and excitement by showing how soon your launch will be. Set the timer to end right at your product release date.
  • Benefits and features: Briefly highlight the key benefits, features or solutions your new offering will provide. Keep it high-level to build curiosity.
  • Branding: Use your brand colors, logo, and fonts to make the page feel professionally designed and connected to your business. Consistent branding builds trust and recognition.
  • Social sharing buttons: Make it easy for visitors to share your coming soon page on social media. This expands your reach and gets more people eagerly awaiting your launch.

With some anticipation-building copy, eyecatching graphics, and social sharing capabilities, your coming soon page created with Unicorn Platform will have visitors eagerly checking back to be the first to access your new product or service on launch day. Creating FOMO or “fear of missing out” is a powerful way to drive launch success.

5 Elements of an Effective Coming Soon Page
5 Elements of an Effective Coming Soon Page

5 Elements of an Effective Coming Soon Page

To build anticipation for your new product or service, an effective “coming soon” landing page is key. A good coming soon page should accomplish several goals: generate hype, capture email signups, and start building your audience. Here are five essential elements to include on your coming soon page:

A catchy headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see, so make it count. A catchy yet mysterious headline will spark interest in your offering and entice people to keep reading. For example, “Something big is coming...” or “Get ready for what’s next...”

An eye-catching image

Feature a bold, high-quality image that matches your brand and hints at what you’re building without giving too much away. An image of your product or service in the works is ideal. This visual tease, combined with an intriguing headline, creates a sense of anticipation.

A value proposition

Briefly describe the problem you’re solving or value you’re providing. Keep it concise, around 2 sentences. You want to give just enough context to get people excited without revealing all your secrets. For example, “We’re building a solution to help ecommerce brands increase conversions and double their sales.”

A signup form

The primary goal of your coming soon page is to capture email addresses so you can notify subscribers as soon as you launch. Offer an incentive like early access or a discount to encourage signups. Be transparent that you will email subscribers with launch details and any important updates.

A countdown timer

A countdown timer indicating when your product or service will be unveiled helps create urgency and scarcity. Let visitors know exactly when “something big is coming” so they stay engaged in the lead up to your launch. The countdown also gives you a concrete deadline to work toward!

Including these five elements on your coming soon page will generate buzz, build your email list, and keep people eagerly anticipating what you’re creating. Crafting an air of mystery and excitement surrounding your new offering is the perfect way to launch with a bang!

Choose the Right Domain Name

When choosing a domain name for your coming soon website, there are several factors to consider. The domain is essentially your website’s address and identity, so selecting an appropriate and memorable one is key.

A short, simple domain name is ideal. Something under 12 characters that is easy to say and remember will serve you well. Avoid complicated names with lots of hyphens or numbers. A clean, straightforward domain comes across as more professional.

Make sure the domain name is relevant to your business or product. Having a semantic connection between the name and your offering helps to build brand recognition and understanding. If your company or product name is available as a domain, securing that is best. If not, choose something evocative of your core business.

Check domain name availability across popular extensions like .com, .co, and .io. Secure all viable options to prevent competition from acquiring similar domains. Even if you prefer one extension, protecting alternatives is worthwhile. You can always redirect them to your primary domain.

Consider keywords in the domain name to help with search engine optimization (SEO). Having keywords that you want to rank for organically in your domain signals to search engines like Google what your website is about. But only include keywords if the domain still sounds natural.

A memorable, professional domain that contains relevant keywords and is available across common extensions is the ideal combination for a coming soon website. Securing the right domain is one of the most important first steps in building anticipation for your new offering. With the perfect domain in place, you’ll be well on your way to generating interest and creating FOMO among your target audience.

Include a Striking Visual Design

To build anticipation for your product or service launch, an attractive coming soon webpage is essential. A well-designed coming soon page helps generate interest and capture email signups from visitors. Here are some tips for creating an eye-catching coming soon page:

Choose a Striking Visual Design

Select a bold background image that aligns with your brand and conveys the essence of your product or service. Adding visuals like product screenshots or videos gives visitors a sneak peek of what’s to come and builds excitement. Minimal text and a clean layout ensure the focus remains on your visuals.

Build Suspense with a Countdown Timer

A countdown timer creates a sense of urgency and scarcity, prompting visitors to signup for your email list to get notified as soon as the site launches. The timer also gives people an indication of when they can expect your product or service to become available.

Offer an Incentive for Signing Up

Provide an irresistible incentive, like early access, a discount, or premium content, for visitors who signup for your email list. This incentive encourages people to subscribe to get notified about your launch and any special offers.

Keep Content Brief but Impactful

With limited space, choose your words wisely. Write 3 to 4 short paragraphs highlighting the key benefits and features of your upcoming product or service. Share just enough details to capture interest without giving everything away. Leave people wanting more.

Make Email Capture Prominent

Place an email signup form prominently on your page so visitors can easily subscribe to get notified when your site goes live. Offer a compelling reason for people to provide their email, such as gaining access to an exclusive offer or being among the first to try your new product.

Following these best practices for creating an engaging coming soon page will help you start building buzz and an email list of subscribers eager for your launch. Crafting a memorable first impression with a bold visual design and clear call-to-action is key to turning casual visitors into loyal customers.

Build an Email List

To build anticipation for your new product or service, create a simple “coming soon” landing page. This page serves to capture email addresses of interested visitors so you can notify them as soon as your offering is ready to launch.

Collect Emails

The primary goal of your coming soon page is to collect email addresses. Offer visitors the opportunity to sign up to get notified when you officially launch. You might say something like, “Be the first to know when we launch - sign up below to get notified.”

Build Excitement

Use visuals and copy to build excitement about what you’re creating. Give visitors a sense of what’s to come without revealing too many details. For example, you might show a photo of your product or service and a few benefit statements or testimonials. This creates a feeling of anticipation and scarcity that will motivate signups.

Keep the Page Simple

Your coming soon page should be minimal, with a strong call-to-action to enter one’s email address. Don’t distract visitors from this goal with too much information or links. Focus their attention on the value of joining your email list to get early access. A simple but visually engaging page with an email signup form is all you need.

Follow Up and Convert

Once you officially launch, send an email to everyone on your coming soon list announcing the news. Be sure to include a strong call-to-action, like a coupon code or link to your new website, to drive traffic and convert signups into customers. Their early interest makes them highly likely to engage with your new offering.

\n\nUtilizing these techniques, you can create FOMO (fear of missing out) and build significant anticipation for the unveiling of your new product, service, or business. A targeted coming soon landing page is a highly effective way to start generating buzz and collect a list of interested users you can tap into right away upon launch.

Share in on Social Media
Share in on Social Media

Share in on Social Media

Once your coming soon website is live, it’s time to start building anticipation and generating interest. An effective way to do this is by promoting your site on social media platforms. Here are some tips for sharing on social media:

Create eye-catching visuals

Develop social media graphics, like photos, GIFs or short video clips, to accompany your posts. Visuals help to capture attention and convey excitement. Ensure any images are high quality, branded and consistent with your website’s look and feel.

Post regularly

Don’t just make one announcement and call it a day. Share updates, new features or milestones to keep your audience engaged. A good rule of thumb is to post 2-3 times per week. Be careful not to overpost, as this can seem spammy. Find the right balance for your audience and business.

Choose the right platforms

Focus your efforts on the social networks where your target customers spend time. If launching a mobile app, for example, promote heavily on visually-focused platforms like Instagram. For a SaaS tool, post on LinkedIn to reach professionals. Cross-promote by sharing the same content across multiple platforms, with platform-specific customization.

Drive traffic to your site

Include a link to your coming soon page in all social media posts and profiles. The goal is to get visitors to your site where they can sign up for updates, learn more or get excited about your upcoming launch. Track traffic and clicks to see which platforms and posts are most effective.

Engage with your audience

Social media is meant to be social. Like and reply to any comments on your posts. Answer any questions from followers genuinely and promptly. Run social media contests and giveaways to increase buzz. An engaged audience will be more eager to visit your site and sign up for your launch.

By crafting a thoughtful social media strategy and posting compelling content across platforms, you can successfully build anticipation for your coming soon website. An eager audience awaits your launch!

Add a Countdown Timer

A countdown timer is a simple but powerful way to build anticipation for your coming soon page. As the launch date for your new product, service or website approaches, a countdown timer helps visitors know exactly how long they have to wait. This sense of urgency and scarcity taps into the fear of missing out (FOMO), encouraging people to sign up for your email list or follow you on social media so they’re the first to know when you go live.

To add a countdown timer to your coming soon page, follow these steps:

  1. Decide on your launch date. This is the date and time your timer will count down to. Give yourself enough time to build excitement and collect signups. For most startups, 2 to 4 weeks is a good timeframe.
  2. Choose a countdown timer app or plugin. Free options like Countdown Timer, Final Countdown Timer or WP Countdown Timer allow you to easily add a countdown to your website. These tools are simple to set up and customize to match your site’s style.
  3. Set the launch date and time in the app. Enter the exact date and time of your product or website release to start the countdown. The timer will automatically calculate the days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining.
  4. Customize the countdown display. Select options like the size, font, and color of the countdown text and numbers to complement your site design. You can also add a call-to-action before or after the timer to encourage signups.
  5. Place the countdown in a prominent position. Spotlight your countdown timer by putting it at the top of your page where visitors will see it as soon as they land on the site. This prominent placement reinforces the feeling of anticipation you want to build.
  6. Promote your countdown on social media. Share images and updates featuring your countdown timer on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to spread the word about your upcoming launch. Cross-promote to your email list as well to keep the momentum going.

A strategic countdown campaign using a timer on your coming soon page, social media promotion and email marketing is an effective way to build buzz, increase FOMO and gain new followers eager for your launch. Keep visitors engaged by offering a signup incentive to be the first to access your new product or service. The final countdown is on!

FAQ: How Do I Create a Coming Soon Website With Unicorn Platform?

To create an effective “coming soon” website with Unicorn Platform, follow these steps:

First, select a clean, minimal template from the Template Library that is suitable for a landing page. Some good options include “Startup,” “Agency,” or “SaaS”. These templates provide a simple yet modern design that highlights your key message and call to action.

Next, customize the template by adding your company logo, brand colors, and fonts. Ensure your brand is prominently featured to build familiarity and recognition with visitors. You may also wish to include social media links to help establish your online presence during this preview phase.

Then, on the homepage, include a hero image that conveys your product or service. Below the image, feature a brief description of your offering in a few concise sentences or bullet points. Briefly convey the key benefits and solutions you will provide to generate interest.

In addition, include a email signup form for visitors to subscribe to updates about your launch. Offer an incentive like early access, a discount, or premium content to encourage signups. These early subscribers will become your first customers on launch day.

You may also wish to add an FAQ section to address common questions about your product or service. Be transparent in your responses to build trust and credibility with visitors. Keep the FAQ concise, with no more than 5 or 6 questions and answers.

Finally, prominently display your anticipated launch date to create a sense of urgency and excitement. Include a countdown timer for added effect. This countdown will motivate visitors to signup for updates so they can access your offering as soon as it becomes available.

With some customization, the Unicorn Platform can help you easily create an effective “coming soon” landing page to generate buzz and build anticipation for your upcoming product or service launch. By following these key steps, you will have a stylish landing page up and running in no time to start building your audience and customer base before you even launch.


As you can see, creating a coming soon landing page for your new product, service, or business is a powerful way to generate buzz and build anticipation. By implementing some of the tactics discussed here like sharing a countdown timer, offering a chance to sign up for early access or beta testing, revealing hints about new features, or highlighting media coverage, you can create fear of missing out and motivate people to want to be among the first to experience what you have to offer. A coming soon page is a simple but effective strategy that, when done right, will have your future customers eagerly awaiting your launch day. The time you invest in building excitement beforehand will pay off once your offering becomes available.

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