Landing Page Examples For Restaurant Every Owner Should See

published on 28 August 2023

As a restaurateur, you pour your heart and soul into creating an amazing culinary experience for your guests. Your menu is carefully crafted, the ambiance stylishly designed, and the service highly attentive. Yet if your online presence doesn't match the quality of your physical restaurant, you risk losing potential customers before they even walk through your doors. An engaging landing page is your chance to make a stellar first impression, conveying your brand story and unique value proposition to website visitors. In this article, we'll explore some stellar landing page examples from successful restaurants that you can draw inspiration from. Implement some of these best practices, and you'll soon be welcoming more guests eager to experience the delights of your establishment. Success is often found in the details, so make your landing page shine.

Why Your Restaurant Needs a Landing Page

As a restaurant owner, having an effective landing page is crucial to your business. A landing page is a standalone web page that allows you to capture leads and convert visitors into customers. Here are a few reasons why your restaurant needs a dedicated landing page:

An optimized landing page helps you rank higher in search engines like Google. By focusing the page on a specific offering, service or promotion, you can optimize it for relevant keywords to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). This makes it more likely for people searching for restaurants like yours to find your page.

A good landing page encourages visitors to take action. Whether you want them to book a reservation, sign up for your mailing list or download a menu, a landing page with a clear call-to-action will convert more visitors into leads and customers.

Landing pages allow you to test different marketing campaigns and messages. You can create separate pages for various promotions or services and see which one resonates most with your audience by analyzing metrics like conversion rates. This helps you optimize your marketing to increase sales and profits.

Landing pages build your email lists. By offering a lead magnet like a free downloadable menu, coupon or newsletter subscription on your landing page, you can capture visitor emails and build your mailing list. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to keep in touch with customers and boost repeat business.

In summary, landing pages are essential tools for any restaurant. By creating dedicated pages focused on your menu, services, promotions or other offerings, you'll improve your SEO rankings, increase conversion rates, build your email lists and gain valuable marketing insights—all of which help you thrive and grow your business.

Landing Page Examples For Restaurant

To attract new customers and drive more sales, an effective landing page is essential for any restaurant. Here are some examples of simple yet high-converting landing pages in the food industry:

The homepage of Sweetgreen, a popular salad chain, features large food images, minimal text, and a clear call-to-action to order now or find a location. This simple but bold design is appealing and quickly communicates what the restaurant offers to hungry visitors.

For a neighborhood pizza joint, a landing page could highlight your restaurant’s story, awards, and community involvement to build trust and loyalty. Include professional photos of your space, staff, and food. Share quotes and reviews from happy customers. However, keep text short in a scannable format using columns, bullets, and headings.

Food delivery services should focus on mouthwatering photos of cuisine, an easy to use ordering interface, and clear information on delivery areas and fees. Emphasize convenience and speed to motivate the visitor to place an order right away.

For a casual diner, a retro, nostalgic design with a slideshow of historical and newly renovated photos could stir up excitement about the experience. But also be sure to succinctly list your hours, location, and menu options with images and prices.

An elegant fine dining establishment may opt for a minimalistic, upscale look with artistic food and interior shots. Briefly highlight awards and chef's credentials to convey quality and expertise. However, avoid too much clutter and rather allow visuals to speak for themselves. A reservation link or request form should be prominently displayed.

In summary, great landing pages for restaurants are visually appealing, load fast, and make it very easy for visitors to find what they need or place an order. Keep content concise but highlight what makes your cuisine and atmosphere unique to leave a lasting impression. With the right landing page, you'll be serving up more customers in no time!

Landing Page Design Inspiration From Top Restaurants

Landing pages are crucial for any restaurant website. An effective landing page helps convert website visitors into customers by showcasing your restaurant's offerings, atmosphere, and brand in an engaging way. Some examples of highly effective landing pages from popular restaurants can provide inspiration for designing your own.

Landing Page Design Inspiration From Top Restaurants
Landing Page Design Inspiration From Top Restaurants

Eleven Madison Park, New York City

This Michelin-starred restaurant's landing page immediately gives visitors a sense of its upscale yet whimsical nature. Large photos spotlight the restaurant's stylish interior and artfully plated dishes. A bold yet minimal design focuses the visitor's attention. Brief descriptions about the restaurant's culinary philosophy, accolades, and reservation options allow visitors to quickly determine if the restaurant matches their tastes and budget.

Nobu, Global Seafood Restaurant

The landing page for this high-end seafood restaurant chain establishes a sense of sophistication through dark colors, minimal text, and a large photo of one of their signature dishes. A simple navigation menu at the top allows visitors to easily explore information about their cuisine, awards, locations, and menus. The page's sleek and uncluttered design reflects the stylish brand Nobu has built.

Shake Shack, Casual Burger Restaurant

In contrast, the landing page for Shake Shack, a popular burger chain, uses bright colors, handwritten fonts, and photos of their food and lively restaurant interiors to convey their fun, casual vibe. The page prominently highlights their commitment to premium ingredients and community support. A large button encouraging visitors to find their nearest Shake Shack location or order delivery makes it easy for people to become customers.

In summary, the landing pages for these successful restaurants employ visual design, content, and limited navigation options tailored to their unique brands. Keeping your restaurant's image and customer experience in mind when designing an landing page will help turn more website visitors into devoted patrons.

Call-to-Action Examples That Drive Conversions

To maximize conversions, an effective call-to-action (CTA) is essential on your landing page. A CTA prompts visitors to take the next step in their customer journey, whether that’s booking a table, downloading a menu, or signing up for your mailing list. Well-designed CTAs make it crystal clear what action needs to be taken.

Clear and concise copy

Write simple yet compelling copy that communicates the benefit of clicking. For example, “Book your table now” or “Download our menu.” Keep your CTA label under 5 words for the best results.

Highlight with color

Use a color that contrasts well with your page theme to make the CTA stand out. Colors like red, green or orange work well for getting attention. You can also use a subtly patterned or textured background behind the CTA box.

Place strategically

Position your CTA prominently on the page, such as center page in the first or second fold for maximum visibility. This placement takes advantage of peripheral vision and the natural eye flow of web page design. For long landing pages, you may want to repeat the CTA in the same position on subsequent page sections.

Keep forms short

If your CTA leads to a form, keep it brief by limiting the number of form fields. A long or complicated form may deter visitors from converting. Only ask for essential information like name, email address and phone number to book a table. You can collect additional details from customers at a later point.

Offer an incentive (optional)

Consider offering a special incentive for visitors who click your CTA, such as a complimentary appetizer or free delivery on their first order. This technique uses reciprocity and scarcity to motivate action. However, an incentive is not always required if you have a sufficiently compelling offer and CTA.

Using these best practices for your landing page CTAs will lead to higher conversion rates and a better customer experience overall. Continually test different CTAs to find what resonates most with your audience. The small details can make a big difference.

High-Quality Imagery to Showcase Your Cuisine

High-quality images are essential for any restaurant landing page. Potential customers want to see mouthwatering photos of your dishes to understand your cuisine and style. Include images of your:

  • Signature dishes: Feature photos of your most popular or unique menu items. Give viewers a taste of your culinary creations.
  • Dining space: Show photos of your stylish and inviting restaurant interior. Help readers visualize what the ambiance and experience of dining at your establishment would be like.
  • Happy customers: Authentic images of satisfied guests enjoying their meals at your restaurant help to build trust and credibility. Capture candid photos or short video testimonials of regular patrons raving about their experience.

Professional Food Photography

Invest in hiring a professional food photographer to take high-resolution photos of your dishes, or train your staff to capture share-worthy images. Poorly lit, blurry photos taken at off angles will not do your delicious food justice and may reflect poorly on your restaurant’s standards of quality. For the best results:

  • Use natural lighting when possible. Photograph dishes near a window where there is ample ambient light. For dimly lit areas, use external lighting like ring lights or softboxes.
  • Shoot dishes from an angle. Get down to the level of the table or slightly above. This perspective gives the viewer the sense they have a seat at the table.
  • Keep the background simple. A plain tablecloth, rustic wood surface or slate background helps the dish stand out. Blurry or busy backgrounds are distracting.
  • Add garnish and decor. Fresh herbs, citrus twists or edible flowers help make the dish pop. Keep props minimal but eye-catching.
  • Edit and filter photos. Use photo editing software to make minor adjustments to lighting, color and sharpness. Subtle filtering can enhance the appetizing qualities of the image.
  • Choose a content management platform. Upload your images to a user-friendly CMS like WordPress or Wix so you can easily add them to your landing page and make updates whenever needed.

High-quality food photography, when done well, elicits a sensory experience for viewers and leaves them with a lasting impression of your culinary skills and style. For any restaurant, images are essential for conveying your vision and should be a key part of your landing page content strategy.

Emphasize Your Unique Selling Proposition
Emphasize Your Unique Selling Proposition

Emphasize Your Unique Selling Proposition

Your restaurant’s landing page is the first impression potential customers will have of your business. As such, it is critical to convey your unique selling proposition (USP) clearly and persuasively. Your USP encompasses what makes your restaurant and menu offerings distinct from competitors.

Some key elements to emphasize your restaurant’s USP include:

Highlight your cuisine and specialties

Prominently feature high-quality photos of your signature dishes and most popular menu items. Describe what makes them unique, whether it is unusual flavor profiles, locally-sourced ingredients, or authentic recipes. This helps visitors understand your cuisine, style of food, and differentiators right away.

Share your story

Explain the vision behind your restaurant and how it came to be. Share details about the owner’s background, passions, and inspirations. This helps to humanize your business and build an emotional connection with visitors. They can relate to the story behind the restaurant and feel invested in its success.

Focus on your atmosphere

Describe the overall vibe, decor, and experience dining at your restaurant. Share appealing photos of your space so visitors get a sense of the ambiance. Whether it is an upscale, white tablecloth establishment or a casual, eclectic bistro, convey how you want customers to feel when dining with you.

Highlight accolades and reviews

Feature any awards, certifications, or notable publications and reviews you have received. Quote excerpts from positive customer reviews as social proof of the quality of your food, service, and experience. This builds credibility and trust in your restaurant for visitors exploring your landing page.

Offer an incentive

Provide visitors an incentive to dine with you, such as a discount code for their first meal or a free appetizer. Sweetening the deal makes them more inclined to visit your restaurant to take advantage of the special offer. Once they dine with you, the goal is to turn them into lifelong customers.

Your restaurant’s landing page is the opportunity to make a stellar first impression. By emphasizing your unique selling proposition through cuisine, story, atmosphere, reviews, and incentives, visitors will have a clear understanding of your distinct culinary experience. This entices them to dine with you and become part of your restaurant's success story.

Include Reviews and Social Proof

To build trust and social proof on your landing page, include reviews and ratings from satisfied customers. People want to know that others have tried your product or service and were happy with the experience before they commit to purchasing.

Include Customer Reviews

Feature authentic reviews from real customers on your landing page. Keep reviews concise, around 2 or 3 sentences. Include the customer’s name and location to add legitimacy. Aim for 3 to 5 reviews on a landing page. More than that risks overwhelming visitors.

Display Ratings and Star Reviews

In addition to written reviews, display an overall rating for your business and use a 5-star rating system. For example, “Rated 5 stars by 200+ customers.” This quantifies your quality and excellence in an easy to digest way for visitors.

Share on Social Media

To increase trust, share screenshots of your best reviews on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. When potential customers see others posting positively about their experience with your company on social media, it reinforces your credibility and the perception of a great product or service.

Build a Reviews Page

For an added level of social proof, create a dedicated “Reviews” page on your website. Feature written reviews from many satisfied clients all in one place. Organize reviews chronologically with the newest at the top to keep content fresh. A robust reviews page, especially with high star ratings, establishes you as a reputable business that people can feel confident purchasing from.

Including authentic social proof like customer reviews, ratings and sharing on social media establishes your credibility and trustworthiness. When visitors see others have tried your offerings and been satisfied, they feel more at ease purchasing—and your conversion rates will rise as a result. Build social proof throughout your landing page and site to maximize the impact.

Offer an Incentive or Coupon to Encourage Signups

To encourage visitors to sign up for your email list or loyalty program, offer an incentive like a coupon or discount. People love getting deals and freebies, so a special offer in exchange for their contact information is an easy win-win.

Coupons and Discounts

Offering a coupon or discount code in exchange for an email signup is an effective tactic. For example, you might offer 10% off their first purchase or a free appetizer with the purchase of an entree. Be sure to specify that the offer is only valid for new email subscribers to avoid abuse. You can then email the coupon or code directly to people after they sign up.

This type of incentive works well because:

  • It provides immediate value to the customer in a tangible way.
  • It gives them a reason to return to your restaurant sooner to redeem the offer.
  • It allows you to start building a relationship with someone who is already interested in your business.

You do want to be careful not to make the offer too generous, or you risk attracting deal-seekers who have no intention of becoming loyal customers. Find the right balance that is appealing but still protects your profit margins.

Time-Sensitive Offers

Another approach is to make the signup incentive time-sensitive by offering something like “Sign up today to get 25% off your meal this week only!” This urgency will motivate people to act quickly to claim the deal. However, only run time-sensitive campaigns periodically to avoid conditioning people to always expect a short-term promotion.

Using compelling incentives and coupons is an easy way to grow your email list and build goodwill with new potential customers. With a little trial and error, you can determine the types of offers that resonate most with your audience. A strategic incentives program, combined with a consistent email marketing plan, is a recipe for success.

Landing Page Examples For Restaurant: Unicorn Platform User's Experience

As a restaurant owner, creating an effective landing page for your business is crucial to attracting new customers and driving more sales. A well-designed landing page should convey your restaurant’s brand and offerings clearly while encouraging visitors to take action, such as booking a reservation or signing up for a mailing list.

To build an impactful landing page, focus on the following elements:

Images and Visuals

Include high-quality photos of your food, venue, and ambiance. Visuals are key to giving visitors a sense of your restaurant’s style and experience. For the header image, choose an eye-catching photo that captures your cuisine and atmosphere.

Clear Headline and Subheading

Your headline should capture your restaurant’s essence in a few compelling words. The subheading can provide more details on your location, type of cuisine, or other highlights. Keep both concise and consistent with your brand voice.

Brief and Engaging Copy

Write a short paragraph highlighting what makes your restaurant unique. Mention your chef, locally-sourced ingredients, award-winning wine list, or whatever is most distinctive about your establishment. Keep your copy friendly, authentic, and enthusiastic.

Strong Call to Action

Add buttons or links inviting visitors to make a reservation, sign up for updates, or visit your social media. The call to action should be prominently placed and hard to miss. Offer an incentive like a discount or gift for taking action.

Social Proof

Include ratings, reviews, awards, or media mentions to build credibility and trust. Feature quotes or statistics demonstrating your positive reputation and popularity. Social proof is key to convincing visitors your restaurant is worth their time and money.

Easy Navigation

Make it simple for visitors to explore your menu, photos, location, hours, and more. Include links to these pages and keep your landing page uncluttered. The goal is to provide an overview while allowing visitors to easily access additional details.

With a polished landing page highlighting what makes your restaurant exceptional, you'll turn more website visitors into loyal customers enjoying a meal at your establishment. Crafting a personalized, visually compelling page is one of the most effective ways to boost your online presence and drive real-world results.


In summary, a well-designed landing page is the key to your restaurant's online success. You need to create an experience that leaves visitors hungry for more - whether that's your menu, location, or story. With a simple yet powerful landing page builder like Unicorn Platform, any restaurant owner can craft an effective landing page to increase online engagement and drive more foot traffic. Focus on high-quality visuals, an engaging headline, clear calls-to-action, and a simple, uncluttered design. Keep optimizing and improving your landing page based on data and feedback. With the right combination of elements, your restaurant's landing page can become the recipe for success.

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