The Simplest Way to Create Lead Generation Page Design

published on 27 July 2023

As an entrepreneur building an online business, you know the importance of generating leads and converting visitors into customers. An effective lead generation landing page is essential. However, designing an attractive page that persuades visitors to convert can be challenging and time-consuming if you lack design experience.

Fortunately, there are simple solutions that allow you to create high-converting lead generation pages without advanced design skills. Using a drag and drop landing page builder is the easiest way for a business owner to build lead capture pages. With an intuitive landing page creator, you can choose from professionally designed templates, drag and drop elements to customize the page, and connect your lead generation form to your CRM to start capturing leads immediately.

Within minutes, you can have an optimized lead capture page ready to start generating leads for your business. The key is choosing a landing page builder that is easy to use but also produces high-quality, high-converting results. With the right tool, you can quickly launch lead generation campaigns and gain valuable insights into your visitors and leads to fuel business growth. Creating landing pages to generate leads for your business has never been simpler.

If you're looking for a landing page builder that fits this description, check out Unicorn Platform's guide on building high-converting landing pages in minutes.

Why You Need a Dedicated Landing Page

As an entrepreneur, your top priority is generating new leads and converting visitors into customers. The most effective way to achieve this is through a dedicated landing page. Here are a few reasons why you need one:

A landing page is a targeted web page that focuses on one specific goal, such as capturing contact information or selling a product. By directing traffic to a focused landing page instead of your general website homepage, you can optimize the page to achieve a single conversion goal. This results in higher lead generation and sales.

With a specialized landing page, you can tailor the content and messaging to your target audience and what they need to make a conversion decision. You can emphasize the key benefits and solutions for them with minimal distractions. Keep the page clean and uncluttered, focusing on concise and compelling copy, clear calls-to-action, and an easy form to complete.

A landing page also allows for A/B split testing to optimize conversion rates. You can test different elements like headlines, images, button text, form fields, and page layouts to see which ones resonate most with your audience. The versions that generate the highest conversion rates can then be applied to your final landing page design.

Track Your Progress

With dedicated landing pages, you gain insight into what's working through built-in analytics. See how many visitors are coming to your landing pages, how long they spend on the page, how many are converting, and their conversion rates. Then make data-driven decisions to improve your landing pages over time for the best lead generation results.

In summary, specialized landing pages are essential for any business looking to boost lead generation and sales. By focusing your message, optimizing the page for conversions, testing different variations, and tracking analytics, you'll gain valuable leads and customers through an effective landing page design.

How to Choose the Right Landing Page Template on Unicorn Platform

To create an effective lead generation page on Unicorn Platform, choose a template that aligns with your business and goals. The template you select should match your company's brand and clearly communicate your value proposition.

Unicorn Platform offers templates for:

  • Software and app landing pages to promote a new product or service
  • Ebook and content download pages to capture leads in exchange for gated content
  • Webinar registration pages to promote an upcoming event
  • Contact and newsletter sign-up forms to grow your mailing list

How to Find the Perfect Template

Browse the available templates on Unicorn Platform to find options suited for your needs. Preview different templates to determine which is the most visually compelling and effective at converting visitors into leads.

Consider the following when choosing a template:

  • Your target audience and their preferences. Select a template with an UX optimized for your audience.
  • Clarity of your value proposition. Choose a template that prominently highlights your key selling points and benefits.
  • Alignment with your brand. Pick a template with fonts, colors, and styles consistent with your brand guidelines. You can always customize the template, but starting with a well-matched option will require fewer changes.
  • Placement of form fields. Opt for a template with a lead capture form in an area of prime visibility, such as the top right of the page. The form should be simple with only required fields.
  • Responsiveness. Ensure the template you choose displays well on both desktop and mobile devices. Mobile-first templates are ideal.

With an eye-catching yet simple template that conveys your value and makes it easy for visitors to become leads, you'll turn more website traffic into sales opportunities. Carefully chosen, a template can set you up for landing page success.

Best Lead Gen Landing Pages
Best Lead Gen Landing Pages

Best Lead Gen Landing Pages

To generate leads, you need an optimized landing page. Here are the key elements of effective lead generation page design:

Clear Value Proposition

Explain exactly what the visitor will gain by providing their contact information. Focus on the key benefits and solutions to their problems. Use compelling copy and imagery to convey the value. For example, “Discover how to gain 10,000 new customers in the next 12 months.”

Attention-Grabbing Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see. Make it exciting and benefit-focused. Some options: “How We Grew Company X’s Sales by 200% in Just 6 Months” or “The Secret to Ranking #1 on Google in Your Industry.”

Minimal Distraction

Remove anything unnecessary that might distract the visitor. Use a clean, uncluttered layout with lots of white space. Have a logical flow that guides the visitor to take the desired action.

Strong Call-to-Action

Your CTA should be highly visible, with an incentive to click. Some examples are: “Get your free marketing strategy session now!” or “Download our pricing guide.” Place your CTA prominently at both the top and bottom of the page.

Relevant Form Fields

Only ask for information you truly need. Typically, this includes first name, last name, email, and phone number. You can also add optional fields like company name and title. Let visitors know how their data will be used. Keep the form short for maximum conversion.

Social Proof

Add testimonials, case studies, media mentions or customer logos to build trust and credibility. Explaining how you helped similar clients achieve success can give the visitor confidence in your offering. For example, “Acme Company Gained 300 New Customers in 30 Days with Our Help.”

An effective lead generation page will capture visitors’ attention, convince them of your value, and inspire them to provide their contact details so you can start a conversation. By focusing on these key elements, you'll achieve higher conversion rates and gain more high-quality leads.

Writing Compelling Headlines and Copy That Converts

Compelling headlines and copy are essential for converting visitors into leads and customers. Your headline is the first thing people see, so spend time crafting one that is attention-grabbing and speaks to your target audience.


Your headline should be:

  • Short and scannable: Keep headlines under 65 characters so they are easy to read quickly. Use numbers and power words to grab attention.
  • Benefit-driven: Focus on the key benefit or solution you are offering. For example, “The Fastest Way to Learn Spanish” or “Slash Your Energy Bill by 50%.”
  • Question-based: Posing an interesting question in your headline can spark curiosity and get people to keep reading. For example, “Are You Making These 3 Common Mistakes in Your Marketing?”
  • How-to focused: An instructional headline, especially one promising a quick solution, often resonates well. For example, “How to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks.”
  • Ultra-specific: The more targeted your headline is to your audience and offer, the better. For example, “The Only Marketing Automation Tool Your Ecommerce Store Will Ever Need.”

Compelling Copy

Your copy should:

  • Speak to the needs and pain points of your target customer. Explain how your offer solves their problems.
  • Use simple, easy to understand language and break up paragraphs to make your copy scannable.
  • Use numbers and statistics to add credibility. For example, “We’ve helped over 10,000 businesses increase revenue by 25% in just 6 months.”
  • Share stories, examples and case studies to help the reader visualize how your solution works.
  • Use power words like “revolutionary,” “amazing,” “incredible” and “groundbreaking” sparingly but strategically.
  • Have a clear call-to-action like “Sign up today” or “Learn more” so readers know what to do next.
  • Be concise while balancing brevity and being persuasive. Around 300 to 500 words is a good target length for landing page copy.

Spending time crafting a compelling headline and copy for your landing page can have an immense impact on your lead generation and sales. Follow these tips to create an effective message that speaks to your audience and converts visitors into happy customers.

Optimizing Your Landing Page for Mobile
Optimizing Your Landing Page for Mobile

Optimizing Your Landing Page for Mobile

To optimize your landing page for mobile devices, there are a few key steps to take:

Focus on a Single Conversion Goal

On mobile, real estate is limited, so your page should focus on one clear conversion goal. Remove any extraneous links or content that could distract visitors from that goal.

Use a Responsive Design

Ensure your page responds dynamically to different screen sizes. All elements should resize and reposition automatically so the content looks good on mobile devices. A responsive design will provide an optimal viewing experience for all visitors.

Large, Tap-Friendly Buttons

Buttons and links should be large enough for visitors to easily tap on a mobile screen. Make sure any calls-to-action are prominently displayed above the fold so they are immediately visible when the page loads.

Minimize Scrolling

Mobile visitors tend to scroll less, so keep the page concise. Place your most important information and conversion tools above the fold. Only include additional details or content below if absolutely necessary.

Fast Load Times

With mobile data speeds and connectivity, fast load times are essential. Compress images, minimize redirects, and avoid heavy scripts or widgets that could slow down your page. Most mobile visitors will abandon a page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

Include a Click-to-Call Button

For many mobile searchers, calling directly is most convenient. Include a clickable phone number linked to a call button. When tapped, it will automatically prompt the visitor's device to dial your business contact number.

Testing on Actual Mobile Devices

Previewing your landing page on a desktop and resizing the screen is not enough. Test how the page actually displays and functions on a variety of real iOS and Android mobile devices. Make any final tweaks to ensure an optimal mobile experience before launching your page.

Following these best practices will help you craft a landing page that engages and converts your mobile visitors. By optimizing for the mobile experience, you'll provide easy access to your offers and services for visitors on the go.

Lead Generation Page Design Best Practices

To create an effective lead generation page design, there are several best practices to keep in mind:

Focus on a Single Call-to-Action. Have one primary CTA button that stands out on your page. This could be a “Sign Up Now” or “Get Started” button. Place it prominently at the top of the page where visitors will see it immediately. Keep your message concise and avoid distraction.

Use Visuals to Capture Attention. Incorporate eye-catching yet relevant images, graphics, icons or video to bring your page to life. Visuals can convey emotions and themes instantly. Choose media that evokes the feeling you want to create. For a lead gen page, opt for an aspirational and motivational tone.

Highlight Key Benefits. Explain the top benefits of your offering clearly and persuasively. Use headings for scannability and bulleted lists when possible. Discuss how you will solve the visitor’s problems or meet their needs. Share specific examples and case studies to build credibility.

Build Trust and Social Proof. Include testimonials, media mentions, customer logos, reviews or a money-back guarantee to establish credibility. The more proof points the better. This helps put visitors at ease and convinces them you are a reputable company.

Keep Content Clear and Concise. Get to the point quickly since visitors may not read every word. Use simple sentences and avoid being too salesy. Focus on how your solution benefits the customer. Your word choice and tone should be empathetic, understanding the visitors needs and desires.

Optimize for Mobile. Ensure your page displays well on mobile devices. If the experience is poor, you will lose many potential leads. Use large buttons, minimal columns, and avoid too many form fields which can be tedious to complete on a small screen.

A/B Test for Improvement. Try different versions of your page to see which one converts the best. You can test things like headlines, CTAs, layouts, content, etc. Look for at least a 10-15% increase in conversion rate to determine a clear winner. Make ongoing tweaks to continue optimizing.

Following these recommended practices will allow you to craft a high-converting lead generation page that speaks to your target audience and motivates them to take action. Paying close attention to design, messaging, social proof, and mobile-friendliness are key to success. Continuous testing and optimization can help boost your results over time.

A/B Testing Your Landing Page for Maximum Conversions

To maximize conversions on your landing page, conducting A/B tests is critical. By testing different elements on your page and measuring the results, you can optimize your page design and copy for the best performance.

Choose elements to test

Some options for A/B testing on landing pages include:

  • Headline: Test different headlines to see which resonates most with your audience. A compelling headline can significantly impact conversions.
  • Copy: Test different blocks of copy or different wording for key points. Even subtle changes to your copy can affect how well your message resonates.
  • Images: Try different images, or swap the placement of images on your page. Images that evoke emotion can positively impact conversions.
  • Form placement: If you have a signup or contact form on your page, test different locations on the page to see what placement results in the most submissions.
  • Call-to-action (CTA) buttons: Test different CTA wording, color, size or placement. An optimized CTA can make a big difference in conversions.

Set up your test

Once you determine the elements you want to test, set up your A/B test:

  1. Make a copy of your existing landing page so you have a control to compare against. Do not make any changes to the control page.
  2. On the copied version, modify the elements you want to test. For example, swap out the headline or tweak a few sentences of copy. Make sure the only differences between the control page and test page are the elements you are testing.
  3. Drive an equal amount of targeted traffic to both pages over the same time period, such as 2 to 4 weeks.
  4. Analyze the results to see which page had a higher conversion rate. The page with better performance is your optimized page.
  5. Update your landing page to the optimized design and copy. Continue testing new elements to keep improving your results.

A/B testing your landing pages, making incremental improvements over time based on data, is the most effective way to maximize your conversions and optimize performance. With regular testing and refinement, you will develop a high-converting landing page design.

Promoting Your Landing Page for High Traffic and Leads

To generate high traffic and leads to your landing page, you must promote it through various channels. Here are some of the most effective ways:

Email Marketing

Promote your landing page in emails to your current customers or email list. Explain the offer or content on the page and include a prominent link for them to click through. Email marketing to engaged subscribers is one of the best ways to drive targeted traffic.

Social Media

Post about your landing page on all your social media profiles like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Share an eye-catching image, an intriguing excerpt, and a link to drive social referrals to the page. Pay to promote the posts to reach new potential customers. You can also run social media ads specifically promoting the landing page.

Search Engine Optimization

Optimize your landing page for search engines to rank for relevant keywords in Google. Use the keywords in your page title, headings, content, image alt text, and page URL. The higher your page ranks in search results, the more organic search traffic it will receive.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Run Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or other PPC ads to promote your landing page to new potential customers. Choose relevant keywords and target your ads to the right audience. PPC ads allow you to drive targeted traffic to new landing pages very quickly.

Blog Posts

If you have a company blog, write posts about the topic or offer on your landing page. Embed links to the page within the posts and at the end to send readers to the page. Blog posts are a great way to provide value to readers while also promoting your offers and landing pages.


Reaching out to influencers and media outlets in your industry to promote your landing page can drive high-quality referral traffic. Offer to write guest posts for their blog or newsletter in exchange for a mention and link to your page. Partnerships and influencer marketing are very effective for boosting traffic and credibility.

Following these proven techniques will significantly increase the traffic to your landing page and the number of leads you generate. Be consistent and track which methods drive the most traffic so you can focus your efforts on the strategies that work best.

FAQs: Answering Common Questions About Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform aims to provide helpful information and clear guidance to assist you in creating effective lead generation page designs. To address some of the most frequently asked questions about our platform, we have provided the following overview.

How do I get started with Unicorn Platform?

To begin using Unicorn Platform, simply create an account on our website. From there, you can select a pre-made template or start from scratch to build your landing page. Our drag and drop editor makes customizing your page seamless. You can upload your logo and brand colors, choose page sections like headers, images, buttons, and forms, and create a design that aligns with your company's visual identity.

What integrations does Unicorn Platform offer?

Unicorn Platform integrates with many popular third-party services to enhance your landing pages. You can connect your email service provider to capture lead information, link to your social media profiles, embed videos from platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, and add live chat functions. We also offer Zapier integration to connect with over 1,000 apps.

How do I drive traffic to my landing page?

Once your landing page is published, focus on driving targeted traffic to the page through social media advertising, content marketing, email marketing campaigns, and search engine optimization. Share blog posts, promote discounts and offers, and spread the word about your product or service to increase visibility and generate more leads. Be sure to also analyze how visitors interact with your page using our analytics dashboard.

Do you offer technical support?

Yes, Unicorn Platform provides reliable technical support to all users. You can contact our support team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via live chat on our website, email, or phone. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 30 minutes or less. Our knowledgeable support staff can help troubleshoot any issues you encounter while building or optimizing your landing pages.

We hope this overview addresses some of your initial questions about getting started with Unicorn Platform. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Our goal is to provide you with the best experience possible in creating high-converting lead generation landing pages.


You now have the tools and knowledge to build an effective lead generation landing page. With a simple yet engaging design, clear call-to-action, and strategic content, you can convert more visitors into leads and accelerate the growth of your business. Using a platform like Unicorn allows you to create a high-converting landing page in a matter of minutes without any coding required. The time is now to start generating more leads, driving more sales, and reaching your full potential. Stop waiting and start creating - your ideal customers are out there waiting to discover your product or service. Give them an experience they won't forget with a landing page that captures their attention and compels them to take action. The power is in your hands. What will you build today?

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